How to create a Gmail Id/account only in 5 step | Explore
Nov 18, 2012 How to Set Up Gmail for Your Custom - Hostinger Tutorials Jun 15, 2020 Can I use a gmail address for my Apple ID? - Apple Community Feb 23, 2017
Your Gmail username or account name is the one that appears when you send emails from your Gmail account, and, by default, is now also linked to your Google account.If you want to change it, you need to follow a quick, simple process that will let you choose how you want to be identified by your contacts.
How to find all of your Gmail accounts - Quora Never mind, found it myself: Create Gmail Account Without Phone Number Verification
Choose a new username. Go to the Google account creation page. Enter your name. In the "Username" field, enter the username you want for your account. Enter and confirm your password. Click Next.
Nov 13, 2016 · (or after having logged in to your gmail account, click on your Account avatar (your picture on the top right hand side of the gmail landing page) and select MyAccount) 2. On the MyAccount page, click 'Security Checkup' (on the second row of tiles) 3. Enter your Password (different from your Gmail Account password) and press the Enter Key on the keyboard of your computer. 4. Follow the next set of instructions to complete the setup of your Windows 10 computer. Once your computer is setup, you will be able to login to the computer and make purchases on Windows store using your Gmail Account. 2.