KeePass stores all your passwords in a database. You should normally find thedatabase file in C:\Program Files\KeePass Password Safe\Database.kdb To back up your KeePass database, you need to make copies of this database file Database.kdb. 1. Configure backup options Open your KeePass. In menu bar across the top, click Tools -> Options.

keepass best practice | Wilders Security Forums Jul 12, 2011 c# - KeePass API to Access Currently Open Database from I am currently using the available SDK in C# to access a KeePass database file. The problem is there is not much information on the API from what I can find and I want to be able to read the currently open database just like the plugin for Remote Desktop Manager does as shown below.. This thread sort of helps to initialize a connection and get the entries: Store sensitive information inside

KeePass Password Safe review - gHacks Tech News

I am currently using the available SDK in C# to access a KeePass database file. The problem is there is not much information on the API from what I can find and I want to be able to read the currently open database just like the plugin for Remote Desktop Manager does as shown below.

On the login page, from the menu in Chrome or any other browser, select Share and choose …

passwords - Storing KeePass database in cloud. How safe KeePass Database file stored on local computer with Full Disk encryption (e.g. Veracrypt) KeePass Key File stored on an external USB disk; Cloud Storage 1 (e.g. Dropbox) to hold the Database file; Cloud Storage 2 (e.g. Google Drive) to hold a backup of the Key File Keepass2Android: local and remote KeePass-based password Nov 28, 2013